Download Via Torrent File From HERE
Download Via Torrent File From HERE
Downloading Ninjutsu Project
Never download Ninjutsu images from anywhere other than the official sources. Always be sure to verify the MD5/SHA256 checksums of the file you’ve downloaded against our official values. It would be easy for a malicious entity to modify a Ninjutsu Project installation to contain exploits or malware and host it unofficially.
Where to Get Official Ninjutsu Project Images
The Ninjutsu Project images are available both as directly downloadable .iso
files or via .torrent
Verifying Your Downloaded Ninjutsu Image
##Why do I need to do this?
Before you run Ninjutsu OS, or install it to your hard disk, you want to be very sure that what you’ve got actually is Ninjutsu OS, and not an imposter. Ninjutsu is a professional penetration testing and red teaming toolkit. As a professional penetration tester, having absolute confidence in the integrity of your tools is critical: if your tools aren’t trustworthy, your investigations won’t be trustworthy, either.
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Useing third-party tools :
1- Download the Checksum Calculator
2- Run the executable, checksumcalculator_setup.exe.
3- Follow the prompts to install the program.
4- Open the Checksum Calculator Click the Browse next to the file box and browse to the file you want to check. Select “Ninjutsu-v1.0.iso” file.
5- Select the type of Checksum you are calculating, By default, the Checksum is set to MD5
6- Click the Calculate button.
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User Guide
Getting Started
Minimum System Requirements :
- CPU : Intel/AMD Dual core Processor
- RAM : 2 GB of RAM DDR3/DDR4
- Storage : 60 GB of Hard drive space
Installing Ninjutsu as Main OS in Your Computer/Laptop :
To install Ninjutsu OS on your computer or laptop you need :
- Verify your partition scheme
- USB flash 32 GB
- Ninjutsu OS ISO
- Storage : 60 GB of Hard drive space (Minimum) (Ninjutsu OS will take 53 GB from total storage available)
- Rufus software (Download from )
Before you start to format your machine check your disk partition scheme
Don’t forget your laptop it’s include your original windows installation, it’s called recovery mode or windows reset factory , so don’t do this tutorial if you don’t want lose ur recovery windows, I recommend you use PartitionMagic to check ur disk before starting format
You can view this information in the DIsk Management tool incldued with Windows. To access it, right-click the Start menu or press Windows Key+X and select “Disk Management.” You can also press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialog, type “diskmgmt.msc” into the box, and press Enter.
Select Disk Management
Locate the disk you want to check in the Disk Management window. Right-click it and select “Properties.”
Click over to the “Volumes” tab. To the right of “Partition style,” you’ll see either “Master Boot Record (MBR)” or “GUID Partition Table (GPT),” depending on which the disk is using.
Download software Rufus and plugin ur USB FLASH
Open Software Rufus
In our example we are going to create a bootable USB stick “GPT” containing the Ninjutsu OS , Don’t be a blindly follow the lesson, maybe your laptop/computer is MBR , so be careful
Now we finished create bootable USB stick , After that restart your computer and boot from USB.
Use internet resource to find How to Boot from USB on Windows
Now be careful I don’t want you format wrong drive and lose your data
Press shift + F10 to open cmd prompt
Then type the following command:
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The installation finished congratulations
After installation maybe you will getting random slowdown to your windows 10, so I recommend you to update drivers, you can use Driver Booster 7 to update and tweak your laptop
Download :
Dual boot Windows 10,8,7 with Ninjutsu OS
we are going to explain everything in detail how to install Ninjutsu OS as second boot with your main windows 10,8,7
Minimum Requirements :
1- Ninjutsu OS Image
2- Empty drive partition in your machine with 55 GB (Minimum) (Ninjutsu OS will take 53 GB from total storage available)
in our example , I’m going to install Ninjutsu OS on drive partition E:
you only need to define where you want to install other operating system (Ninjutsu OS) in your Laptop/Computer
You can view this information in the DIsk Management tool incldued with Windows. To access it, right-click the Start menu or press Windows Key+X and select “Disk Management.” You can also press Windows Key+R to open the Run dialog, type “diskmgmt.msc” into the box, and press Enter.
if you don’t have empty drive partition to install Ninjutsu OS , you have to create drive partition and format it , in my tutorial
drive partition windows 10
Step 1: Right-click one hard disk partition and select “Shrink Volume”.
Step 2: Enter the amount of space you want to shrink in MB as shown below then click on the “Shrink” button.
Step 3: Right-click on the unallocated space and select “New Simple Volume”.
Step 5: You’ll now enter the New Simple Volume Wizard interface by clicking “Next” and specify a volume size.
Step 6: Assign Drive Letter or Path, then format the partition into the default file system NTFS. Click “Finish” to complete creating a new partition in Windows 10.
We are going to explain how to install and use two windows edtion in the same computer/laptop :
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To install Ninjutsu os type the following command:
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now wait until Ninjutso OS deploy in your drive E
Next step , add deployed Windows on drive E: to Windows boot menu, use following command:
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Now write this command to check defult profile and currnet profile windows
BCDEdit is a command-line tool for managing Boot Configuration Data (BCD).
BCD files provide a store that is used to describe boot applications and boot application settings.
BCDEdit can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating new stores, modifying existing stores, adding boot menu options, and so on.
You’ll need administrative privileges to use BCDEdit to modify BCD
open your cmd as administrator
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Boot Options Identifiers :
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Now we need to change the boot description , When deployed, the new OS has ID {default}. To rename it, give it a better description, use following command:
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